


(文責 高森大乗)

催事名/下谷仏教会 花まつり
開催日/令和7(2025)年4月2日(水) 13:30稚児行列お練り、14:00法要
*下谷仏教会は、台東区内の旧下谷区地域に所在する超宗派の仏教寺院で構成された団体で、要伝寺は第6部に加盟しております。第6部の構成寺院は、根岸・金杉地区の千手院・大空庵・永称寺・西蔵院・圓光寺・安楽寺・西念寺・世尊寺・要伝寺で、各寺が輪番にて下谷仏教会年番理事を務め、4月の花まつり、7月の流灯会に出仕しています。関連記事はコチラから。 下谷仏教会の加盟寺院については、お寺マップをご参照ください。また、東京都仏教連合会発行の「東京お寺めぐり通信」にも紹介があります。

In Mahayana Buddhism, the celebration of the birth of Buddha on April 8 is called "Kanbutsue" or "Hana-matsuri".
On this day,Buddhists visit temples and pour tea over the statue of the newborn Buddha (right hand pointing at the heavens, left hand pointing at the earth). The tea prepared for this festival is called amacha. It tastes a little sweet.This comes from the legend that a dragon in the heavens poured perfumed warm water onto Buddha when he was a newborn baby.
The Hana-matsuri, held in Tokyo's Ueno Park, is an annual event sponsored by an interdenominational federation of Buddhist temples.
Starting from Kiyomizu Kannondo in Ueno Park, a procession of monks playing gagaku (ancient Japanese court music), shakuhachi (bamboo flute) players, costumed infants, and priests conducting the memorial service lead the flag bearers in a procession through the park.
When the procession arrives at the "pagoda" of the stupa, children pour sweet tea over the Buddha's birth Buddha to bless his birth while monks solemnly chant sutras. In this way, they pray for the healthy growth of their children, who will be able to fly into the future.
When the cherry blossom season coincides with the ceremony, it is a lively and festive spring event that attracts many tourists from both Japan and overseas.
