

元亨年間(1321〜1324)本門寺3世 日輪聖人の住坊として開創。大坊本行寺、照栄院と共に池上三院家の一つに列せられ、古来より朱塗りの山門(赤門)を許される。延宝年間(1673〜1681)に檀越長澤氏の母 理境院妙性日貞尼の寄進の法功をたたえ理境院と改称。慶応3年(1867)官軍参謀西郷隆盛は当院を宿舎にあてたと伝えられる。明治11年(1878)堂宇を小学校校舎に使用、池上小学校の前身となる。

Rikyoin Temple was founded in the 14th century by Nichirin Shonin, the 3rd Chief Abbot of Honmonji, as his residence. It was one of the three major temples in Ikegami, together with Daibo Hongyoji and Shoeiin temples. In the late 19th century, Saigo Takamori, the chief of the Imperial Army, used this temple as his accommodation. This was a predecessor of the current Ikegami Elementary School.
【Message from the Chief Priest】
There is no end in looking up or down. Therefore, we should go slowly, looking forward.
【A brief explanation of Nichiren Shonin and Ikegami 】
Nichiren Shonin (1222-1282) was a priest in the mid-Kamakura period and founder of the Nichiren Shu of Buddhism. “Shonin” means a “reverend priest.”
Nichiren Shu is a Buddhist Order that was founded more than 750 years ago. “Shu” simply means “Order.”
Nichiren Shonin founded Ikegami Honmonji Temple just before his death in October of 1282 at the request of Ikegami Munenaka, a wealthy feudal load and faithful follower.


〒146-0082 東京都大田区池上1-34-3

正式名称 妙祐山 理境院(りきょういん)
住所 〒146-0082 東京都大田区池上1-34-3