日蓮聖人の滅後、直弟子 日頂聖人が開いた庵室を起源とする。もとは本門寺の南の谷の先にあり、いつの時代にか当地に移された。本門寺10世 中道院日陽聖人がここに隠棲したので中道院とよばれるようになる。本門寺25世 日顗聖人の庵室(場所は不明)の不二庵が日顗聖人没後の宝暦4年(1754)中道院と合併。かつては、日顗聖人の法脈に連なる本門寺貫首の退隠後の庵室であり、現在はその位牌所となっている。
『感應道交』…「感」とは祈り、祈りが「應」じて仏様と「道交」わり、ご加護を頂くことです。池上の寺めぐりを楽しんで頂き、沢山の仏様とご縁が結ばれますよう。 合掌
After Nichiren Shonin passed away in 1282, Nitcho Shonin, his disciple, founded the hermitage at the south valley near Honmonji Temple, which was moved later to its present location. At that time, it was renamed Chudoin, and was used as the hermitage of the retired chief priests. At present, it holds their memorial tablets.
【Message from the Chief Priest】
“Kan-Noh-Do-Kyo” means that praying (Kan) will be accepted by Buddha (Noh) and that Buddha will bless you (Do-Kyo). I hope you enjoy visiting many temples in Ikegami and forge a relationship with Buddha and his moral principals.
【A brief explanation of Nichiren Shonin and Ikegami 】
Nichiren Shonin (1222-1282) was a priest in the mid-Kamakura period and founder of the Nichiren Shu of Buddhism. “Shonin” means a “reverend priest.”
Nichiren Shu is a Buddhist Order that was founded more than 750 years ago. “Shu” simply means “Order.”
Nichiren Shonin founded Ikegami Honmonji Temple just before his death in October of 1282 at the request of Ikegami Munenaka, a wealthy feudal load and faithful follower.
〒146-0082 東京都大田区池上1-35-5
正式名称 | 東京都大田区 中道院(ちゅうどういん) |
住所 | 〒146-0082 東京都大田区池上1-35-5 |