

正保3年(1646)の開創。開基檀越 新井宿村の郷士 田中長勝の名から長勝寺と称するようになった。寛永7年(1630)、江戸幕府からの布施を受けると主張する身延側と受けない(不受不施)と主張する池上は、法論によって対決し、敗れた池上側の本門寺15世 日樹聖人は信州飯田に流された。その日樹聖人の33回忌に建てられた供養塔が境内にあり、この地に不受不施信仰が深く根ざしていたことが伺える。

Choshoji Temple was founded by the first supporters of the temple in 1646 and was named after Nagakatsu Tanaka, a country samurai.
There is a monument which was built on the 33rd anniversary of the death of Nichiju Shonin. Nichiju Shonin was exiled to Iida in Nagano prefecture after losing a dispute with Minobu, the head temple of the Nichiren Order.
He insisted “Even if we were asked by a man of power who had different beliefs to hold a religious service, we wouldn’t accept the request, nor would we give alms.” We can see that this belief is deeply rooted in this area.
【Message from the Chief Priest】
In spring, the pretty weeping cherry blossoms begin to bloom, followed by Yoshino cherry blossoms and hill cherry blossoms. The little temple hall appears to take on the color of the light pink cherry blossoms. In fall, on the evening of October 28, the sound of Oeshiki drums resounds in Ichinokura.
【A brief explanation of Nichiren Shonin and Ikegami 】
Nichiren Shonin (1222-1282) was a priest in the mid-Kamakura period and founder of the Nichiren Shu of Buddhism. “Shonin” means a “reverend priest.”
Nichiren Shu is a Buddhist Order that was founded more than 750 years ago. “Shu” simply means “Order.”
Nichiren Shonin founded Ikegami Honmonji Temple just before his death in October of 1282 at the request of Ikegami Munenaka, a wealthy feudal load and faithful follower.


〒143-0024 東京都大田区中央6-6-5

正式名称 覺應山 長勝寺(ちょうしょうじ)
住所 〒143-0024 東京都大田区中央6-6-5