

本門寺2世 日朗聖人の直弟子 日傳聖人が庵室として池上の西谷に開創(年代不明)。旧称は妙蔵坊。元亀4年(1573)火災で焼失。本門寺12世 日惺聖人が当時の住持 本妙院日逗聖人に再建の資助を与え、南谷外溝に移築再興し、本妙院とよばれるようになった。元禄3年(1690)本門寺の防災のため支院の整備、配置換え、総門の建立、此経難持坂(石段)の改修などが行なわれ、本妙院も現在地に移されたという。

Honmyoin Temple was founded in the west valley in Ikegami by Nichiden Shonin as his hermitage. It is not known when it was founded. At first, it was called Myozobo, but it was burnt down in 1573. Nissei Shonin, the 12th Chief Abbot of Honmonji, reconstructed the temple at the south valley. It came to be called Honmyoin and was moved to its present location in 1690.  
【Message from the Chief Priest】
Please come to the temple with a casual frame of mind. Sit on the porch of the main building, feel at ease and get peace of mind by enjoying communication with the trees and flowers in the garden. Then, ask for the stamp of the temple.
【A brief explanation of Nichiren Shonin and Ikegami 】
Nichiren Shonin (1222-1282) was a priest in the mid-Kamakura period and founder of the Nichiren Shu of Buddhism. “Shonin” means a “reverend priest.”
Nichiren Shu is a Buddhist Order that was founded more than 750 years ago. “Shu” simply means “Order.”
Nichiren Shonin founded Ikegami Honmonji Temple just before his death in October of 1282 at the request of Ikegami Munenaka, a wealthy feudal load and faithful follower.


〒146-0082 東京都大田区池上1-33-5

正式名称 東京都大田区 本妙院(ほんみょういん)
住所 〒146-0082 東京都大田区池上1-33-5