天文18年(1549)本門寺第9世 日純聖人の退隠後の庵室として開創。もとは玉蔵坊と称した。常仙院開創に関わる伝説によると、蒲田御園村の豪士 月村宗観の葬送の際に落雷と共に妖怪が出現して死者の右腕を持ち去ったが、日純聖人の祈念によりその腕が戻った。日純聖人はこの怪異が自分の不徳の致すところとして本門寺を退き当地に隠棲したという。以来、雷除けの護符を請う者が多く門前市をなしたと伝えられる。
Josenin Temple was founded in 1549 by Nichijun Shonin, the 9th Chief Abbot of Honmonji Temple, as a hermitage after his retirement from Honmonji Temple. Originally, it was called Gyokuzobo. Later, its name was changed to Josenin Temple. Many believers visited the temple to obtain an amulet for protection from thunder.
【Message from the Chief Priest】
“You would be a light and would be an island.” You will have a wonderful life without regrets by following the path that is right for yourself, just like a light in the darkness and an isolated island in the ocean. Buddha is always watching over you.
【A brief explanation of Nichiren Shonin and Ikegami 】
Nichiren Shonin (1222-1282) was a priest in the mid-Kamakura period and founder of the Nichiren Shu of Buddhism. “Shonin” means a “reverend priest.”
Nichiren Shu is a Buddhist Order that was founded more than 750 years ago. “Shu” simply means “Order.”
Nichiren Shonin founded Ikegami Honmonji Temple just before his death in October of 1282 at the request of Ikegami Munenaka, a wealthy feudal load and faithful follower.
〒146-0082 東京都大田区池上1-33-1
正式名称 | 東京都大田区 常仙院(じょうせんいん) |
住所 | 〒146-0082 東京都大田区池上1-33-1 |